In this test, chestnut bread was prepared by secondary fermentation using natural yeast as a starter. The effects of natural yeast addition, chestnut powder addition and wake-up temperature on the sensory, texture characteristics and specific capacity of chestnut bread were investigated. The production process of chestnut bread was optimized through univariate and orthogonal experimental design. The results showed that based on the total weight of chestnut powder and bread powder, the quality of chestnut bread was the best under the conditions of 5 % chestnut powder, 8 % natural yeast, 33 °C proofing temperature, 90 min proofing time and 27 min baking time. The specific volume of the product was 4.9 mL/g, the sensory score was 92, the moisture content was 41.7 %, and the acidity was 2.3°T, which met the national standard. This experiment provided a reference for the production of chestnut bread and provide for the development of chestnut industry.
Key words
natural yeast /
chestnut powder /
chestnut bread /
fermentation power
{{custom_keyword}} /
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