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  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(1): 1-4.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(23-24): 109-113.
  • YU Xin’ai, LYU Lili, XIAO Ronghua, WEI Jiashu, LIU Shengwu, CHEN Rihong, WEI Zhengyi, LIU Ce
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(2): 1-4.
    Changliangyou Fuxiangzhan is a new variety of high yield and high quality indica hybrid rice. In 2022 and 2023, it was introduced into Dongxi Village, Mapo Town, Luchuan County, Yulin City, Guangxi for demonstration planting. This paper emphatically summarized the Changliangyou Fuxiangzhan demonstration of whole growth period, resistance, yield and ground rice quality performance, and from the good plot, dip bud, timely sowing, school-age throwing, formula fertilization, scientific pipe water, prevention and control of disease and ripe harvest introduced its high yield cultivation technology, for Changliangyou Fuxiangzhan a large area of production and application to provide reference.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(20): 58-60.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(21): 22-26.
    华航香银针属感温型常规稻、香型丝苗米品种,因其具米质优、口感好、香味浓等特点,深受消费者青睐。通过连续多造栽培研究试验,总结出“苗足肥足、科学控水”高产栽培和病虫绿色防控配套技术,其干谷产量达9 295 kg/hm2,实现了稳产高产和农药减量。该品种熟期适中,丰产性能好,抗逆性强,抗稻瘟病,在丝苗米系列品种中具有明显的比较优势,推广应用前景广。本文总结了华航香银针品种的种植表现及绿色高产栽培技术,为该品种的种植推广提供参考。
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(10): 86-88.
  • HAN Renchang, ZHU Xianfei, ZOU Yuning, HUANG Guan, DING Long, YU Honggen, FANG Xianyong
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(6): 1-4.
    Rape is one of the important oilseed crops. Rice intercropping rape, as an important agricultural technology in rice-rape rotation production, is of great significance for improving grain and oil yield and achieving sustainable agricultural development. The advantages and key cultivation techniques of the rice intercropping rape model were analyzed in this article, provided a reference for promoting the rotation cultivation technology of rice-rape rotation.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(21): 1-9.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(22): 10-13.
    本研究在人工撒播的栽培方式下,探究玮两优8612的8种不同播种量的生长与产量表现,分析该品种在当前栽培管理水平下的适宜播种量。结果表明,不同播种量主要通过调节有效穗数、每穗实粒数来影响产量。播种量过低则难以获得高产,随着播种量的增大产量逐步大幅增加,但播量达到一定量后,随着播量增大产量增幅减少,甚至产量降低。在现有栽培管理水平下,玮两优8612在庐江县直播中适宜播种量为18.75~26.25 kg/hm2
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(20): 18-20.
  • XU Peng, LIU Mengxue, HUANG Yaru, YOU Cuicui, WANG Guanjun
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(20): 1-6.
    In order to clarify the effect of exogenous trehalose on the quality of large-panicle japonica rice, this study took large-panicle japonica rice lines W1844 and CJ03 as experimental materials, and sprayed trehalose solution with concentrations of 0, 30 and 50 mmol/L(recorded as T0, T30 and T50, respectively)on the leaf surface at the end of pregnancy. The effects of exogenous trehalose on processing, appearance and nutritional quality of large-panicle japonica rice with different grain positions were studied. The results showed that exogenous trehalose treatment could improve the processing quality of superior and inferior spikelets by increasing the milled rice rate and finishing rice rate. The appearance quality was improved by reducing chalkiness and chalkiness. The nutritional quality can be improved by increasing protein content and glue consistency and reducing amylose content. The improvement method and degree of different spraying concentration and different particle position were different. In conclusion, exogenous trehalose can improve the processing, appearance and nutritional quality of large-panicle japonica rice, and the improvement degree of inferior spikelets quality is higher than that of superior spikelets. The results can be used to improve the theoretical basis for cultivating high quality large-panicle japonica rice.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(2): 133-135.
  • WANG Xianwan, SONG Tao, SHI Liuba, MU Demei
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(14): 7-12. https://doi.org/10.16377/j.cnki.issn1007-7731.2024.14.002
    In order to screen of high yield and quality as well as adaptable fresh corn varieties suitable for planting in southern Anhui Province, 16 experimental fresh corn, test varieties, such as Chuangtian and Xiangtiannuo 828 and two control varieties, Yuetian and Fengnuo 2146, were compared and analyzed for indexes in terms of growth period, main agronomic characters,stress resistance and yield in the southern Anhui Province. The results showed that in terms of the entire growth period, the tested varieties had a total growth period of 77-87 days. In terms of variety resistance, Cuimi 90 had average lodging and disease resistance, while Quantian 58 and Kenuo had average disease resistance. In terms of yield, Longpingtian 1502 in the sweet corn group increased by 13.40% compared to the control group, while Ditiannuo , Fengnuo 211, Caitiannuo 1703, Tianfunuo and Dongtiannuo 100 in the glutinous corn group increased by 17.92%, 19.52%, 10.7%, 26.65%, and 17.81% compared to the control group, respectively. These six corn varieties had better comprehensive performance, good agronomic traits, good resistance, and high yield, and were suitable for promotion and planting in southern Anhui Province.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(23-24): 1-4.
  • HUANG Yifei, HE Xiaowei, HU Feng, GUO Jing, LI Cijuan, GUO Cheng
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(10): 1-4.
    This article introduced the breeding process and characteristic characteristics of Xuanjingnuo No.7, and summarized the high-yield cultivation techniques as a wheat stubble rice from two cultivation models: machine transplanting and live broadcasting. Xuanjingnuo No.7 was an early maturing and late maturing glutinous rice variety developed through systematic breeding using Xuanjingnuo No.1 as the female parent and Jingnuo 86120-5 as the male parent. It had characteristics such as tolerance to late sowing, strong stress resistance, and wide adaptability, and was suitable for machine transplanting and direct seeding as wheat stubble rice cultivation. The principle of high-yield cultivation was to promote strong stems, large panicles, and increased grain weight on the basis of sufficient effective panicles, in conjunction with disease, insect, and weed control. Specific measures include timely and appropriate sowing, scientific fertilizer and water management, comprehensive prevention and control of diseases, pests and weeds, and timely harvesting. Machine transplanting also requires uniform planting and dense planting, and sufficient planting of basic seedlings. The purpose was to provide reference for the promotion and planting of this variety.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(20): 7-12.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(21): 13-16.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(14): 13-17. https://doi.org/10.16377/j.cnki.issn1007-7731.2024.14.003
  • BIAN Ce, XU Wentong, DANG Jingwen, WANG Daoyang
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(5): 140-144.
  • ZHANG Meiying
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(7): 14-18.
    Shenyou 28 is a hybrid japonica rice variety using the male sterile line Shen 21A and the restoring line Shenhui 26-28. This article introduced the characteristics of Shenyou 28 variety and summarized the whole mechanized and efficient seed production technology, including seed selection, control of sowing time, regulation of flowering period, mechanical leaf cutting, mechanical assisted pollination, harvesting and drying, to providing technical guidance for hybrid rice seed production. This variety had comprehensive advantages such as early maturity, high yield, excellent rice quality, and strong disease resistance. In order to fully tap into the yield potential of Shenyou 28, its high-yield cultivation techniques had been summarized from the aspects of timely sowing, fertilizer operation, slurry management, and suitable harvest, providing reference for the promotion and demonstration of new varieties.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(12): 111-114.
    为加强对研究区农业气象强对流天气发生发展情况的分析和研究,利用高空观测中的位势高度、风向风速和温度等常规观测资料,地面自动站逐小时降水、风向风速及露点温度等地面加密资料,以及雷达回波等实况资料,对2023年6月11日研究区强对流天气的大气环境特征与触发机制进行分析。结果表明:(1)在500 hPa副高偏弱,受东部沿海低槽的槽后西北风拟制的情况下,中低层无明显辐合系统和低空西南急流,而在有利的不稳定层结、能量条件和触发机制共同作用下,研究区仍有可能出现强对流天气。由于中低层无明显辐合系统和低空西南急流,水汽输送和辐合条件较差,导致强降水的范围不大、强度较弱。(2)受高空500 hPa东部沿海低槽的槽后西北气流影响,高空有弱冷平流,低层有弱暖平流,为强对流天气的发生提供了一定的环流条件。本次强对流天气主要是由强烈的热力不稳定和对流触发条件造成的,对流有效位能达2 593.1 J/kg、对流稳定度指数Δθse850-500为17.8 ℃、K指数37.5 ℃、沙氏指数SI为-3.16 ℃、抬升指数LI达-7.38 ℃、下沉对流有效位能DCAPE达1 145.5 J/kg,有利于雷雨大风天气的发生。而动力不稳定条件较差,垂直风切变较弱,因而大冰雹不容易生成。(3)本次强对流天气是由地面中尺度辐合线,低层850、925 hPa和地面干线,925 hPa和地面湿舌等共同触发而产生的,其中850、925 hPa和地面的露点温度梯度分别达5.5、3.9和6.6 ℃/100 km。目的在于为后续的强对流天气预警预报提供参考。
  • XIAN Yuanhang, HUANG Xing, WANG Youhan, LIAO Qin
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(9): 130-137.
    The development of arable land reserve resources is one of the important guarantee for implementing the arable land protection system and balancing the occupation and compensation of actual arable land. This article uses the CiteSpace software system to analyze the current research status and context of the field of arable land reserve resources and clarifying future development trends. The result showsed that the research on arable land reserve resources focused on the protection and development of agricultural resources and land planning and utilization,with close academic cooperation in a small scope and less cross regional cooperation and exchange. Suitability evaluation, land development, and balance of occupation and compensation were the main research hotspots. The development process of research was divided into three stages: budding exploration, fluctuating development, and stable maturity. The research on potential evaluation and development protection runs through the development process, with cutting-edge development mainly focused on comprehensive land improvement, strengthening land transformation and utilization technology, and adhering to ecological sustainability and high-quality development. Future research should strengthen the exploration of marginal land potential, deepen development evaluation and theoretical system construction,strengthen the application of geographic information technology and ecological restoration technology research, and actively explore effective ways to achieve national spatial governance and food security through land consolidation.
  • ZHANG Wenqi, JI Hongxiu, WU Qian, WANG Meng, WEI Deli
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(1): 21-26.
    Limonoids are a class of highly oxidized tetracyclic triterpenoid secondary metabolites that are mainly found in the Rutaceae and Meliaceae plant families, including substances such as limonin, nomilin, and obacunone. In this study, we mainly review the main physical and chemical properties of limonins and their physiological activities on the body, systematically summarize their various biological activities and mechanisms of action, hoping to lay an important foundation for further application of limonins in health care, food development, agricultural production and other aspects.
  • XIA Xuhong, LIU Qinglan, TAO Xiaoqing
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(1): 73-77.
    Dihydromyricetin (DMY) is the key functional ingredient in Ampelopsis grossedentata, with multiple physiological effects. In order to determine the content of DMY in Ampelopsis grossedentata from different producing regions, Ampelopsis grossedentata was extracted from four producing regions in a, b, c and d provinces were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) after DMY extaction. The results showed that the dry weight content of DMY from Ampelopsis grossedentata produced in the four producing regions ranged from 21.2 to 36.2 g/100g. Among the same grade of Ampelopsis grossedentata, from which produced in a region exhibited the highest content (30.9~36.2 g/100g), while among different grades of Ampelopsis grossedentata, the DMY content in premium Ampelopsis grossedentata produced from the same producing region was higher than that of first and second grade Ampelopsis grossedentata. Moreover, there was no significant difference in DMY content between various Ampelopsis grossedentata produced from same producing region and grade at different picking times. Therefore, the producing regions and grade of quality have a obvious impact on the DMY content, whereas the effect of picking time was less affected. In the actual planting and production should choose the corresponding origin or variety according to the demand, to provide a reference for improving the economic value of Ampelopsis grossedentata.
  • LAI Mingjian, ZENG Kaiying, WU Qiman, HE Zhijin, WU Yongjun
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(21): 17-21.
    The new indica variety Chanshanzhan bred by Foshan Institute of Agricultural Science. It is a conventional rice variety selected by crossing Wushansimiao (♀) and Xiaolixiangzhan () through six generations of genealogy. Chanshanzhan has good productivity and stable yield, good comprehensive resistance, strong resistance to collapse, adaptability and the rice quality appraisal has reached the national standard of high quality grade 3. This article details the traits and cultivation tips for growing Chanshanzhan, with the aim of aiding its promotion.
  • LIU Yongfeng, WANG Zhen, LIU Hong
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(5): 9-12.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(21): 10-12.
  • WU Jiaming, LI Qin
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(2): 101-107.
    Unrational use of antibiotics can lead to resistance in bacteria, finding potential alternatives to traditional antibiotics has become the focus of current research. Antimicrobial peptides represent promising options owing to their unique antimicrobial mechanisms, which render them less prone to induce resistance. Moreover, antimicrobial peptides possess broad-spectrum bioactivities against bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites, tumor cells, etc. and have been implemented in many areas. This article provided a introduction to the classification, mechanisms of action and application in food processing and other fields of antimicrobial peptides, to provide a reference for relevant studies of antimicrobial peptides.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(6): 5-8.
  • LEI Chunsong, ZHANG Su'e, ZOU Wenhua, ZHONG Lijun, YE Zhengqian
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(15): 1-4. https://doi.org/10.16377/j.cnki.issn1007-7731.2024.15.001
    To explore efficient and scalable foliar resistance control agents in rice production, 4 foliar inhibitors (potassium fulvic acid, silicon fertilizer, zinc fertilizer, and selenium fertilizer) were selected to investigate its effects on rice growth and yield, as well as the effect of accumulation and transport of cadmium in various organs of rice. The results showed that after spraying four foliar inhibitors during the tillering and grain filling stages of rice, the plant height, tiller number, and thousand grain weight of rice increased to varying degrees. Compared with the blank control, the yield of rice treated with foliar inhibitors increased by 0.34% to 4.83%. After the application of foliar inhibitors, the cadmium content in the roots, stems, leaves, and grains of rice decreased, and the cadmium content in all treated grains met the national food safety standards. Based on the comprehensive analysis of rice yield and cadmium reduction effect, it is recommended to adopt foliar spraying of silicon fertilizer technology in mildly cadmium polluted rice fields to control the absorption and transport of cadmium in rice and achieve safe rice production.
  • WANG Yanpei, WANG Yingcheng, TANG Zhenchao, MA Xiaojiang, TIAN Hanzhong, CHEN Weitao, FENG Shengli, HAN Junwei
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(7): 6-9.
    In order to scientifically guide corn planting and cultivation management, to achieve high-quality development of the corn industry, this article was based on the production practice in K region, analyzes that corn may need to be furyther improved in terms of farmland quality, high-quality varieties, agricultural resource utilization rate, and pest control in corn production, and proposed methods such as introducing high-quality varieties, reasonable crop layout, cooperating with reasonable dense planting, scientific fertilizer and water management, and comprehensive pest control measures to achieve a double or multiple cropping system for crop production in the region.
  • CHENG Congxin, ZOU Yu, WANG Jiedi, ZHAN Xinchun, ZHANG Peijiang
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(13): 7-11.
    Huixiangjing 977 is a japonica rice variety selected from Zhendao 14 as the female parent and Wuxiangjing 14 as the male parent. It was approved for variety review in 2022. This article analyzed the breeding process,agronomic characteristics, production performance,and main cultivation techniques of Huixiangjing 977. Huixiangjing 977 has the advantages of high-quality taste, high yield,large panicle,excellent comprehensive traits, and wide adaptability, making it suitable for planting in single season and double season late japonica rice regions in Anhui Province. The principles of high-yield cultivation techniques are to stabilize the foundation, compete for sufficient panicles, attack large panicles, improve grain weight and seed setting rate, in order to obtain higher quality and yield. The results provide a reference for the promotion and application of this variety.
  • WANG Jihong, WANG Yunyun, PAN Haifa, SHI Pei, SHENG Yu, ZHOU Hui, LI Dahui, ZHANG Jinyun
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(23-24): 80-84.
    In order to solve the problem that the base of the main branch is easy to break in case of rainfall and windy weather, and the peach cultivation is not suitable for mechanized production, this paper proposed an X-shaped cultivation technology for peach trees suitable for mechanized operation. The main points of cultivation techniques for the new “X” shaped tree type included planting and shaping operation. Planting: selected first-class peach seedlings, each two peach seedlings were planted together, the intersection of the two peach seedlings was 40 cm away from the ground, and the angle between the two peach seedlings in the horizontal direction was 50°~60°; The extension heads of the two peach seedlings stretched out between the rows on both sides respectively, and the direction was perpendicular to the row direction of the ridge. Two peach seedlings were planted together and regarded as one in production; shaping: after the “X” shape was planted, the buds of the two peach seedlings were cut off at the full and full place, and the upper end of the main trunk of the two peach seedlings was the two main branches in production, which was equivalent to the two main branches of the “Y” shaped tree type, which were formed once after planting. The “X” shaped new tree type was the top of the trunk of two peach seedlings directly emitting a new shoot uniaxial extension as the main branch, each of which continues to grow upward, does not affect each other, balanced growth, easy to operate by fruit farmers, saves labor, and directly regulates the angle of the main trunk of the two seedlings when planting, which was simple and accurate, after planting, the tree type can be formed half a year in advance, which increases the compression resistance to a certain extent, and the main branch was not easy to break.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(21): 30-33.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(21): 141-144.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(20): 13-17.
  • XIONG Xue, DONG Jianxin, ZHU Guofen, LI Changyong, SHI Shenkui
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(5): 103-106.
    Based on the OBE education concept, the problems of incomplete teaching system, lack of innovation in teaching process, and single assessment methods in traditional botany field internships were analyzed, and reform measures and suggestions were proposed from the aspects of strengthening course ideological and political construction, integrating field internship content, innovating teaching process and reforming assessment methods, aiming to highlight the intuitiveness of practical teaching applied, comprehensive, and innovative. The objective was to provide theoretical basis and practical reference for further improving the teaching quality of botany field internships and promoting the cultivation of applied talents.
  • WANG Haiyan
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(7): 1-5.
    In order to screen new potato varieties suitable for large-scale promotion and cultivation in the Kebai area, this study conducted yield and quality screening and identification experiments on six potato varieties self cultivated by Keshan Branch of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The results showed that three varieties had good comprehensive traits. High starch material ke202032-37 had round tubers, pale yellow skin and white meat, starch content of 18.5 g/100 g, yield of 31 187.50 kg/hm2, increased by 3.96% compared to the control. The mid to late maturing variety ke202045-14 had elliptical tubers, white flesh, and a starch content of 15.9 g/100 g, yield of 41 375.00 kg/hm2, increased by 37.92% compared to the control. The medium ripe variety ke202042-2 had round tubers, white flesh, and a starch content of 15.7 g/100 g, yield of 42 820.51 kg/hm2, increased by 42.74% compared to the control. The three materials could be used as high‐quality varieties for further identification and screening, providing reference for high‐yield and high‐yield producation for potatoes in the region.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(8): 1-5.
    探讨自然高温天气对水稻的影响,可以为耐高温品种选择、高温热害评估和减轻高温热害措施提供相应参考。本试验统计分析2022年8月1—23日的气温,以此时段抽穗的108份籼型水稻材料为研究对象,总结分析了水稻样本材料在孕穗期、抽穗开花期和灌浆初期的平均气温和受高温热害天数,计算其结实率。结果表明,8月1—23日平均温度31.53 ℃,杂交籼稻材料和常规籼稻材料平均结实率分别为80.48%和76.73%,杂交籼稻的抗高温能力总体优于常规籼稻,高温热害程度与高温强度、高温时间密切相关,整体呈现温度越高,结实率越低的趋势,开花盛期高温对籼稻结实率影响最大。提出了防御高温热害损失的技术要点,包括选择耐高温品种、合理安排播期、提高栽培技术以及采取有效措施减轻高温热害损失等。
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(20): 47-49.