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  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(13): 5-8.
  • ZHAO Yufan, CHENG Fanglei, JIN Yuxin, MENG Fengping
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(1): 1-5.
    Under the background of vigorously developing characteristic agriculture in our country, rice-shrimp co-culture mode, as an important mode of rice-fish farming,has developed rapidly in recent years. This paper analyzes the current situation and problems of rice-shrimp co-cropping industry in Quanjiao County, Chuzhou City, and puts forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions. It is hoped that this study can provide a reference for the promotion of rice-shrimp co-culture mode, and help farmers improve their planting and breeding benefits to promote rural revitalization.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(16): 8-13.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(14): 102-105.
    大穗看麦娘是近年新入侵的麦田恶性杂草, 在安徽省淮南市潘集区贺疃镇蔓延, 对小麦的安全生产构成严重威胁。本文通过调研, 分析了其成灾原因, 提出了防除对策, 供各地参考。
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(14): 1-5.
    为筛选适合在皖西大别山生态区种植推广的水稻品种, 对来自不同地区的20个水稻新品种进行了引种试验, 研究其全生育期、主要经济性状、产量、农艺性状、综合抗性等, 并对其进行综合评价。结果表明, 等级A类品种有浙两优272、荃优929、粘两优1206、恒丰优金丝占、圳优6377、荃优鄂晶丝苗、华珍115、泰美占、勇两优全赢占、玉晶臻丝、华两优2171, 这11个品种的综合表现优异, 宜作为2022年度引种品种推荐给安徽省农作物新品种测试中心。
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(14): 9-12.
    玮两优8612是2020年通过国家审定的多穗、优质、多抗、高产的籼型两系杂交水稻品种, 近几年该品种在安徽省庐江县示范推广种植, 取得了良好的效果。本文结合玮两优8612在庐江县的种植实际, 对其农艺性状、抗性及米质、产量表现、种植特性进行总结, 并从良种处理、培育壮秧、适龄移栽、大田肥水管理、病虫草害防治、适时收获等方面介绍了玮两优8612高产栽培技术要点, 以供当地种植参考。
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(14): 78-81.
    地理信息系统(GIS)具有强大的数据计算、统计分析和图表输出功能, 可以结合遥感技术(RS)、全球定位技术(GPS)等实现对林业资源和空间信息的采集、处理、管理、分析和表达等, 简称3S技术, 已被广泛应用于林业外业调查和管理中, 是一项先进的现代信息技术。本文以安徽省霍山县国土绿化试点示范项目为例, 简要介绍了以GIS技术为核心的3S技术手段在林业项目规划设计中的实操应用, 以期为基层林业工作者提供借鉴与参考。
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(18): 39-42.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(13): 155-161.
    为了给种植养殖、设施农业及各相关行业抗击强降雪争取更多的准备时间,更早发现将出现的强降雪天气,本文利用常规地面、高空、自动站和再分析资料,对江苏南通有完整气象记录的37次强降雪过程进行分析。结果表明:①大多数过程积雪深度小于10 cm,积雪深度分布差异主要在东西方向,中心绝大多数在西部。②500 hPa高纬西部为阻高或高压脊与高纬东部冷中心、南支槽的组合占大多数,由不同组合模式可以分辨冷暖空气源地、常见还是少见。③中心上升速度绝大多数在-0.5~-0.2 Pa/s,占32/37。④层结方面,850 hPa气温≤-6 ℃的有35个,925 hPa气温≤-4 ℃的有36个;逆温方面,700 hPa与850 hPa气温差≥0 ℃的有32个,700 hPa与925 hPa气温差≥0 ℃的有30个。⑤上游或附近的500 hPa水汽通量中心值可近似为最大积雪深度。
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(1): 129-132.
    为了筛选出防治茶树绿盲蝽若虫的有效药剂,指导茶园施药,采用浸叶法测定了7种杀虫剂对茶树绿盲蝽3龄若虫的毒力。结果表明,茚虫威、啶虫脒、吡虫啉、烯啶虫胺、唑虫酰胺、虫螨腈和噻虫嗪对茶树绿盲蝽3龄若虫的致死中浓度LC50值,药剂处理24 h后,分别为78.06、157.85、170.71、278.98、142.60、169.56和560.03 mg/L;药剂处理48 h后,分别为33.73、42.98、50.61、57.67、96.03、100.86和311.09 mg/L。可见,茚虫威的毒力最高,噻虫嗪的毒力最低。该研究可为茶园绿盲蝽的区域性应急防控提供一定的参考依据,对指导茶园科学用药和实现农药减施具有十分重要的意义。
  • ZHANG Ying, XIA Ming, HUANG Chunhua, LOU Didong
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(21): 80-84.
    To explore and optimize the preparation method of paraffin tissue section of juvenile zebrafish. 4 d zebrafish juvenile were fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde for 24 h and then pre-embedded with agar,dehydrated, transparent, impregnated with wax and then embedded with the slices for hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining. The advantages of the agar paraffin double embedding method and the conventional paraffin embedding method were compared. The results showed that the agar-paraffin double embedding method can maintain the morphology and structure of zebrafish juvenile without deformation or fragmentation, and the results under the microscope are obviously clearer than those of ordinary paraffin embedding method. HE staining is good. The agar-paraffin double embedding method can overcome the shortcomings of the conventional paraffin embedding method, and the equipment and operation is simple, easy to be popularized.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(1): 44-46.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(21): 22-26.
    华航香银针属感温型常规稻、香型丝苗米品种,因其具米质优、口感好、香味浓等特点,深受消费者青睐。通过连续多造栽培研究试验,总结出“苗足肥足、科学控水”高产栽培和病虫绿色防控配套技术,其干谷产量达9 295 kg/hm2,实现了稳产高产和农药减量。该品种熟期适中,丰产性能好,抗逆性强,抗稻瘟病,在丝苗米系列品种中具有明显的比较优势,推广应用前景广。本文总结了华航香银针品种的种植表现及绿色高产栽培技术,为该品种的种植推广提供参考。
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(17): 183-186.
  • JIANG Zhen, LV Zhouzhou, CHEN Kai, YANG Jiazhou
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(17): 12-16.
    In order to select indica hybrid rice varieties with high safety in Huaihe river's northern area of Jiangsu Province, a comprehensive comparative analysis of 19 hybrid indica rice varieties such as Shenliangyou 8012, including growth period, yield and component factors, lodging resistance, disease resistance and high low temperature tolerance, was conducted in 2022. The results showed that Shenliangyou 8012, Huiliangyou 985 and Gongliangyou-yunongsimiao were safer to plant in Huaihe river's northern area of Jiangsu Province, which had higher yield, higher resistance to disease, lodging and high - low temperature than other varieties.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(13): 48-51.
  • XIE Wenbao, CAO Chong, SONG Haonan, YUAN Guojun
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(14): 121-125.
    Digital villages construction is a concrete action to enforce the rural revitalization strategy, a necessary initiative to release digital dividends to generate endogenous strength for rural development. This paper analyzes the main progress and constraints of digital village construction in Lu'an City, constructs the selection matrix of digital village construction mode from the two-dimensional perspective of professionalism and public welfare based on the three subjects of government, rural collective and market entity, and analyzes the specific practice in Lu'an City. Finally, the paper proposes the realization paths of strengthening the digital infrastructure construction by the government, promoting the integrated development of rural industries through the cooperation of rural collectives and enterprises, promoting the cooperation of government and enterprises in the digitalization of rural governance, and strengthening the digitalization of rural life through digital services.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(17): 179-182.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(20): 58-60.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(19): 15-20.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(1): 126-128.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(14): 172-175.
    本文对近年来宣城市农业发展现状进行了总结, 分析了宣城农业高质量发展存在的不足和问题, 并阐明了未来发展的资源优势, 同时在强主体、活市场、重科技、优生态等方面提出了相应的对策建议, 为促进宣城农业融入长三角一体化高质量发展提供决策依据。
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(19): 112-116.
    为探究管路布置对文丘里吸肥器吸肥效果的影响,本研究在不同主管道进口压力下,分别对单、双以及三通路下文丘里吸肥器吸肥效果进行试验研究。结果表明:在单通路吸肥状态下,文丘里吸肥器C吸肥支管最先导通吸肥,且与距离主管道6.5 cm的文丘里吸肥器A、B相比,距离主水管13 cm的文丘里吸肥器C吸肥流量较大;在双通路吸肥状态下,与主管道距离相等的两文丘里吸肥器A、B,其中位于主管道边缘的文丘里吸肥器A吸肥效果较好,与主管道距离不等的两文丘里吸肥器A、C或B、C,其中距离主管道较远的文丘里吸肥器C吸肥效果较好;在三通路吸肥状态下,随着进水口压力的增加,距离主管道13 cm的文丘里吸肥器C与A、B相比有较大的吸肥流量,文丘里吸肥器A虽最先吸肥,但随着压力的增加,其吸肥流量小于文丘里吸肥器B、C。
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(17): 90-92.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(14): 126-129.
    城乡融合发展是农村经济发展的关键, 也是巩固脱贫攻坚成果的重要手段。农村发展离不开金融支持, 农村基础设施、农业技术改革以及农村居民生活都需要资金保障, 而由于城乡金融资源分配不均衡, 金融机构出于金融服务成本、收益及承受风险等考量, 更愿意为城镇居民提供金融服务。数字普惠金融有着更广泛的覆盖范围, 能够依靠其数字化手段解决高成本的问题, 以可负担的成本为农村居民提供金融服务, 提高居民收入, 改善生活质量, 是城乡融合发展的重要推手。本文重点分析了数字普惠金融赋能城乡融合发展的内在机理、现实困境以及路径选择, 旨在促进城乡融合发展, 更好地为“三农”事业服务。
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(13): 169-172.
  • GUO Jintao
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(17): 104-110.
    Taking Zezhou County of Shanxi Province as an example, this study uses the S-CAD policy evaluation method to systematically evaluates and analyzes the pilot policies of collective commercial construction land market from the aspects of policy consistency, adequacy, feasibility and so on.The result showed that the pilot policy has clear logical thinking, strong necessity among policy elements, high policy feasibility and good overall implementation effect. However, there are still insufficient problems in different links of policy implementation. It is concluded that in the future, we should pay attention to optimizing the internal logical structure of the policy elements, strengthening the system coordination, deepening the reform pilot, and introduce the national standardized market management measures as soon as possible.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(20): 7-12.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(20): 174-176.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(21): 59-61.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(20): 18-20.
  • LI Qiang, HUANG Wenwei, PENG Suhan, ZHOU Jiangwei, ZHAN Huawei, ZHANG Yuying, LAN Zhaojun, LI Wenjun, GUI Lin
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(16): 51-55.
    Based on the COI gene sequence, 13 species of Acrossocheilus were analysed. The results showed that the genetic distance between species of Acrossocheilus is more than 0.020 0 except for the genetic distance between A. beijiangensis and A. stenotaeniatus (0.015 7). In the phylogenetic tree, A. beijiangensis and A. stenotaeniatus formed as the same clade, which genetic distance less than the level of species classification. The two species may be the same species with two different names. The genetic distance from A. jishouensis, A. parallens and A.hemispinus protrudated into sister branches in phylogenetic tree, and the genetic distance from both was obviously greater than 0.020 0, which showed that A. jishouensis is an effective specie. A. hemispinus and A. cinctus were distributed in two independent branches of the phylogenetic tree, and the genetic distance between them is larger than that between the species on the same branch, so they should be regarded as two separate species. The results of this study indicate that mitochondrial COI gene sequences are effective for species identification and can be used to explore the phylogeny of Acrossocheilus.
  • MU Guangyu, PAN Lanlan, WU Mingyu
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(14): 153-156.
    The specialty of agricultural intelligent equipment engineering is an emerging specialty that deeply integrates agricultural engineering, agricultural mechanization and automation with the new generation of information technology. As an engineering major in agricultural modernization services, it is committed to cultivating high-quality innovative agricultural science and technology talents with the sentiment of "knowing, loving, and prospering agriculture", and mastering interdisciplinary knowledge of agricultural engineering, mechanical engineering, automatic control science, and engineering. This major can provide talent protection and intellectual support for promoting rural revitalization and sustainable development of the agricultural machinery industry. On the basis of analyzing the core elements of cultivating agricultural intelligent equipment talents, this paper proposes talent cultivation strategies such as constructing a multidisciplinary and integrated curriculum system, establishing a virtual entity based agricultural intelligent equipment innovation practice system, and promoting scientific and technological innovation competitions through school-enterprise cooperation, providing certain ideas for the construction of engineering and agricultural related professionals.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(1): 110-113.
  • WANG Naifu, ZHANG Qiang, KONG Derui, ZHOU Yibin
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(13): 162-166.
    Food chemistry is a basic course for food science and technology and other related majors. Under the background of new agricultural science education, in order to improve the teaching effects of food chemistry, Taking the teaching team of food chemistry in Anhui Agricultural University as an example, this paper introduces the exploration and practice of food chemistry teaching team from goal orientation, faculty construction, teaching reformation methods and resource construction. The results of many years' construction showed all of these measurements improved the teaching ability of team and talent cultivation of students, which achieved good teaching results.
  • GE Yansong, LU Wengeng, WANG Zheng, SONG Jun, LV Hongming, ZHENG Jiasan
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(17): 167-169.
    Laparoscopic surgery is a clinically effective technique for diagnosing and treating a wide range of diseases in veterinary medicine that can reduce injury to abdominal muscles and nerves,intraoperative strain on organs, and postoperative pain and infection risk. Most models for practicing laparoscopic skills in minimally invasive veterinary surgery are currently general task trainers, which consist of simulators for training humans in surgery and have limitations such as species anatomical differences and surgical procedure differences. This article elaborates on the application of surgical simulators and surgical training in veterinary laparoscopic surgery training from the aspects of tasks, time allocation schemes,and types of simulators. To promote the use of laparoscopic technology in veterinary clinical practice, veterinarians must develop more simulators and surgical training courses specifically for veterinary laparoscopic surgery training.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(17): 137-140.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(13): 102-105.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(1): 64-66.
  • Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 29(16): 168-172.